Thursday 5 January 2017

Black Girl's PCOS Challenge - (Accepted)!

Black Girl's PCOS Challenge - (Accepted!).

Didn't know there was such a thing? Well allow me to enlighten you. It is actually Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS for short. That is the hormonal imbalance that has plagued this black girl for the last few years.

And it all came out (so to speak) when I simply couldn't understand why I could not last longer than an hour or so between visits to the loo.  It did feel like I had turned into a fountain and someone else was turning me on and off. Crazy right? Probably not crazy for some of you who have already had kids.  So anyway back to my point. I decided to have this 'irregular' toilet use investigated and you know that saying 'don't open a can of worms'. Yes I opened a can of worms. And this worm happens to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Won't bore you with the specifics like how it gets diagnosed or treatment options. If you are intelligent enough to be reading this blog, you can Google it.

One of the things that have an impact on this condition is being overweight. So this year I have decided to make a concerted effort to lose weight to help me to cope with the excess hair (not growing on my head), the extended menstrual bleeds, tiredness and other niggles that may or may not be linked to PCOS but will probably benefit from some weight loss too. Apart from the emotional distress there is some financial distress from having PCOS. I mean at the rate I'm going hair removal cream, threading treatments, pads and tampons will soon bankrupt me!! Well maybe not as dramatic as that but one can hardly think of buying that sexy skin tight pair of jeans when she's got big pads stuck in her pants from yet another unexpected visit from mother nature!!

So on the 1st week of the year, the challenge has begun to reduce my PCOS symptoms so life can really be enjoyed to the full.

My goal is to lose at least 20 pounds which will meet the 5% recommended weight loss I have been reading on every medical site imaginable (or at least the ones loaded onto the Internet).

Decided to ditch the carbs and sugar or well drastically reduce them and not eat past 6pm. Might have the odd glass of wine, after all woman cannot live on carrot sticks alone. Can she??? or rather Why should she??? I will also aim to exercise more by walking and yoga. This is kind of an experiment which I hope will work as the light skin with dark facial hair (ie the beard) look and the 2 week menstrual bleeds have definitely lost their novelty factor.

My current comfort is knowing that every other 40 something woman is probably also on a diet this week if not this month so at least I'm not the odd one out with the basket full of veg at the supermarket. It'll be the guy over there with the 7 pack of chocolate bars and cola. Mmmm....Chocolate........

Ooops sorry daydreaming there for a minute.

Would love to hear any tips from those of you who have had PCOS and gone on a weight loss journey to control your symptoms.

Wish me luck!!

Follow my journey.

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