Wednesday 8 March 2017

Mummy's Job....according to my six year old

Mummy's Job....according to my six year old.

I had an interesting conversation with my six year old daughter on the walk to school this morning. Whilst avoiding the dog poo on the pavement, (we live near a park with some irresponsible dog owners) she came out with this statement. Quite random but I've come to expect this from my six year old. So this is how the conversation went.

Six  year old - 'Mummy, you have three jobs!'
Me              - 'I do?'
Six year old  - ' have to be a mum, a 'rememberer' and a mum that has to go to a job to get money'
Me             - 'Aaah ok!'

Quite satisfied with laying that little nugget of wisdom, we then proceeded to play I spy the rest of the way.

Usually these conversations might get put to the back of the brain and maybe recalled for future reference but this one stayed with me all day. It just made me smile. To think a six year can be so in tune that they can essentially sum up what most of us mums do everyday.

We do have 3 jobs. We have a multitude of jobs. We are mothers and of course that includes everything from cooking and cleaning to playmate and nurse/doctor.

But we are also 'rememberers' as my daughter phrased it. What is interesting is that my daughter chose to see this as a separate part of being a mum. I asked her later what she meant by 'rememberers' and she explained that I am the one she turns to share the memories that she has of different events that we have done together as well as the one who remembers what days friends are coming over or she going to them. Quite simple right? Her view was interesting as my first thought at hearing  the word 'rememberers' was that I was the unpaid family secretary and organiser, which I am not denying that I am. But for my six year old and probably for the other young children, our job as parents is to facilitate the creation memories for them. Whether that be getting together with family or going to explore a new park, museum exhibit or play area. Or even just walking to school playing eye spy. Its all about creating positive memories throughout childhood that ultimately will sustain you as an adult, especially through difficult times.
Mummy's Job...according to my six year old
Creating memories in the park

Thing is you don't have to be a mother to be a 'rememberer' because the fact is as girls we are just raised to be the one that remembers the birthdays, the christenings, and every other special event in the lives of family and friends. Aunties, Girlfriends, Sister in laws, Grandmothers are all 'rememberers' and together we help sustain the character of the next generation.

A pretty positive thought on International Women's Day and a good way to take one into Women's History Month March 2017.

Would you agree?

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